The New Options Tsurumi's LB-800A Gives Us: HSA3.75S

With the recent release of Tsurumi's new LB-800A, we are now able to retrofit the Tsurumi HS3.75S and make it another sump pump with the amazing probe float switch system. The new pump with be designated as an HSA3.75S. Here are some of the advantages of Tsurumi's probe type float system:Tsurumi_Sump_Pump
  1. No need for a mechanical float that could get "hung up" and cause the pump not to operate properly.
  2. There are no moving parts and allows the sump pump to be placed in a smaller pit that ordinary sump pumps can't because of the need for room for the float to swing.
  3. The probe type float switch has a built in 90 second timer. Once the water activates the probes, the pump will run for 90 seconds to prevent rapid cycling of the pump.
The new HSA3.75S will be available starting 6-12-12. We will update our website with the new pictures of the pump. As with the LSRA2.4S and HSA2.4S, the HSA3.75S will be an exclusive pump setup to
